Source: location-based.js

import { SphMercProjection } from "./sphmerc-projection.js";
import * as THREE from "three";

/** The main class for the LocAR.js system.  */
class LocationBased {

   * @param {THREE.Scene} scene - The Three.js scene to use.
   * @param {THREE.Camera} camera - The Three.js camera to use. Should usually 
   * be a THREE.PerspectiveCamera.
   * @param {Object} options - Initialisation options for the GPS; see
   * setGpsOptions() below.
   * @param {Object} serverLogger - an object which can optionally log GPS position to a server for debugging. null by default, so no logging will be done. This object should implement a sendData() method to send data (2nd arg) to a given endpoint (1st arg). Please see source code for details. Ensure you comply with privacy laws (GDPR or equivalent) if implementing this.
  constructor(scene, camera, options = {}, serverLogger = null) {
    this.scene = scene; = camera;
    this.#proj = new SphMercProjection();
    this.#eventHandlers = {};
    this.#lastCoords = null;
    this.#gpsMinDistance = 0;
    this.#gpsMinAccuracy = 100;
    this.#watchPositionId = null;
    this.#initialPosition = null;
    this.#gpsCount = 0;
    this.#session = 0;
    this.#serverLogger = serverLogger;

   * Set the projection to use.
   * @param {Object} any object which includes a project() method 
   * taking longitude and latitude as arguments and returning an array 
   * containing easting and northing.
  setProjection(proj) {
    this.#proj = proj;

   * Set the GPS options.
   * @param {Object} object containing gpsMinDistance and/or gpsMinAccuracy
   * properties. The former specifies the number of metres which the device
   * must move to process a new GPS reading, and the latter specifies the 
   * minimum accuracy, in metres, for a GPS reading to be counted.
  setGpsOptions(options = {}) {
    if (options.gpsMinDistance !== undefined) {
      this.#gpsMinDistance = options.gpsMinDistance;
    if (options.gpsMinAccuracy !== undefined) {
      this.#gpsMinAccuracy = options.gpsMinAccuracy;

   * Start the GPS on a real device
   * @return {boolean} code indicating whether the GPS was started successfully.
   * GPS errors can be handled by handling the gpserror event.
  async startGps() {
    if(this.#serverLogger) {
      const response = await this.#serverLogger.sendData("/gps/start", {
        gpsMinDistance: this.#gpsMinDistance,
        gpsMinAccuracy: this.#gpsMinAccuracy
      const json = await response.json();
      this.#session = json.session;
    if (this.#watchPositionId === null) {
      this.#watchPositionId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
        (position) => {
        (error) => {
          if (this.#eventHandlers["gpserror"]) {
               * GPS error event.
              * @event LocationBased#gpserror
              * @param {number} code - the Geolocation API numerical error code.
          } else {
            alert(`GPS error: code ${error.code}`);
          enableHighAccuracy: true,
      return true;
    return false;

   * Stop the GPS on a real device
   * @return {boolean} true if the GPS was stopped, false if it could not be
   * stopped (i.e. it was never started).
  stopGps() {
    if (this.#watchPositionId !== null) {
      this.#watchPositionId = null;
      return true;
    return false;

   * Send a fake GPS signal. Useful for testing on a desktop or laptop.
   * @param {number} lon - The longitude.
   * @param {number} lat - The latitude.
   * @param {number} elev - The elevation in metres. (optional, set to null
   * for no elevation).
   * @param {number} acc - The accuracy of the GPS reading in metres. May be
   * ignored if lower than the specified minimum accuracy.
  fakeGps(lon, lat, elev = null, acc = 0) {
    if (elev !== null) {

      coords: {
        longitude: lon,
        latitude: lat,
        accuracy: acc

   * Convert longitude and latitude to three.js/WebGL world coordinates.
   * Uses the specified projection, and negates the northing (in typical
   * projections, northings increase northwards, but in the WebGL coordinate
   * system, we face negative z if the camera is at the origin with default
   * rotation).
   * @param {number} lon - The longitude.
   * @param {number} lat - The latitude.
   * @return {Array} a two member array containing the WebGL x and z coordinates
  lonLatToWorldCoords(lon, lat) {
    const projectedPos = this.#proj.project(lon, lat);
    if (this.#initialPosition) {
      projectedPos[0] -= this.#initialPosition[0];
      projectedPos[1] -= this.#initialPosition[1];
    } else {
      throw "No initial position determined";
    return [projectedPos[0], -projectedPos[1]];

   * Add a new AR object at a given latitude, longitude and elevation.
   * @param {THREE.Mesh} object the object
   * @param {number} lon - the longitude.
   * @param {number} lat - the latitude.
   * @param {number} elev - the elevation in metres 
   * (if not specified, 0 is assigned)
   * @param {Object} properties - properties describing the object (for example,
   * the contents of the GeoJSON properties field).
  add(object, lon, lat, elev, properties = { }) { = properties;
    this.#setWorldPosition(object, lon, lat, elev);
    this.#serverLogger?.sendData("/object/new", {
      position: object.position,
      x: object.position.x,
      z: object.position.z, 
      session: this.#session,

  #setWorldPosition(object, lon, lat, elev) {
    const worldCoords = this.lonLatToWorldCoords(lon, lat);
    if (elev !== undefined) {
      object.position.y = elev;
    [object.position.x, object.position.z] = worldCoords;

   * Set the elevation (y coordinate) of the camera.
   * @param {number} elev - the elevation in metres.
  setElevation(elev) { = elev;

   * Add an event handler.
   * Currently-understood events: "gpsupdate" and "gpserror".
   * The former fires when a GPS update is received, and is passed the
   * standard Geolocation API position object, along with the distance moved
   * since the last GPS update in metres.
   * The latter fires when a GPS error is generated, and is passed the
   * standard Geolocation API numerical error code.
   * @param {string} eventName - the event to handle.
   * @param {Function} eventHandler - the event handler function.
   * @listens LocationBased#gpsupdate
   * @listens LocationBased#gpserror
  on(eventName, eventHandler) {
    this.#eventHandlers[eventName] = eventHandler;

  #setWorldOrigin(lon, lat) {
    this.#initialPosition = this.#proj.project(lon, lat);

  #gpsReceived(position) {
    let distMoved = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    this.#serverLogger?.sendData("/gps/new", {
      gpsCount: this.#gpsCount,
      lat: position.coords.latitude,
      lon: position.coords.longitude,
      acc: position.coords.accuracy,
      session: this.#session
    if (position.coords.accuracy <= this.#gpsMinAccuracy) {
      if (this.#lastCoords === null) {
        this.#lastCoords = {
          latitude: position.coords.latitude,
          longitude: position.coords.longitude,
      } else {
        distMoved = this.#haversineDist(this.#lastCoords, position.coords);
      if (distMoved >= this.#gpsMinDistance) {
        this.#lastCoords.longitude = position.coords.longitude;
        this.#lastCoords.latitude = position.coords.latitude;

        if (!this.#initialPosition) {
          this.#serverLogger?.sendData("/worldorigin/new", {
            gpsCount: this.#gpsCount, 
            lat: position.coords.latitude,
            lon: position.coords.longitude,
            session: this.#session,
            initialPosition: this.#initialPosition


        this.#serverLogger?.sendData("/gps/accepted", {
          gpsCount: this.#gpsCount,
          session: this.#session,
         * GPS update event.
         * @event LocationBased#gpsupdate
         * @param {object} position -the Geolocation API position object.
         * @param {number} distMoved - the distance moved in metres since the
         * last GPS update.
        if (this.#eventHandlers["gpsupdate"]) {
          this.#eventHandlers["gpsupdate"](position, distMoved);

   * Calculate haversine distance between two lat/lon pairs.
   * Taken from original A-Frame AR.js location-based components
  #haversineDist(src, dest) {
    const dlongitude = THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(dest.longitude - src.longitude);
    const dlatitude = THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(dest.latitude - src.latitude);

    const a =
      Math.sin(dlatitude / 2) * Math.sin(dlatitude / 2) +
      Math.cos(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(src.latitude)) *
        Math.cos(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(dest.latitude)) *
        (Math.sin(dlongitude / 2) * Math.sin(dlongitude / 2));
    const angle = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    return angle * 6371000;

export { LocationBased };