AR.js A-Frame Location-Based Tutorial - Develop a Simple Points of Interest App


This tutorial (updated for AR.js 3.4) aims to take you from a basic location-based AR.js example all the way to a working, simple points of interest app. We will start with an HTML-only example and gradually add JavaScript to make our app more sophisticated.

It is expected that you have some basic A-Frame experience.

Do note that this code will not work on Firefox on a mobile device due to limitations of the device orientation API; absolute orientation cannot be obtained. Chrome on Android is recommended.

Basic example

We will start with a basic example, using pure HTML, to display a box close to your location. This example is identical to the location-based example on the index page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>AR.js A-Frame Location-based</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<a-scene vr-mode-ui='enabled: false' arjs='sourceType: webcam; videoTexture: true; debugUIEnabled: false' renderer='antialias: true; alpha: true'>
    <a-camera gps-new-camera='gpsMinDistance: 5'></a-camera>
    <a-entity material='color: red' geometry='primitive: box' gps-new-entity-place="latitude: <your-lat>; longitude: <your-loon>" scale="10 10 10"></a-entity>

Upload this to a server with HTTPS, or run locally on localhost. Make sure you replace your-lat and your-lon with values close to your actual position (to see the box clearly, I would recommend an offset of around 0.001 degrees in any direction for both the latitude and longitude).

How does this work?

  • The arjs component of our a-scene initialises AR.js. Note the properties we are setting: we set the sourceType to webcam for obvious reasons but also set videoTexture to true. This is vital in an outdoor location-based AR app as it allows distant augmented content - such at the peaks we are going to eventually visualise - to be seen. (It does this by using a three.js texture for the camera feed which can be easily combined with our augmented content).

  • Note the gps-new-camera component on our a-camera. This is the AR.js component which automatically converts latitudes and longitudes into 3D world coordinates, allowing us to use latitude and longitude, rather than world coordinates, when adding places. Note that we are using gps-new-camera, not gps-camera. The gps-new-camera component includes some bugfixes and makes it easy for us to work with arbitrary geographical data provided by a server, as internally it uses the Spherical Mercator projection to represent the augmented content's world coordinates. Spherical Mercator units are commonly used to represent mapping data and are almost (but not quite) equivalent to metres. Away from the polar regions, though, it's good enough to use for AR.

  • We then create an a-box primitive. This is the augmented content that we want to display. Ordinarily, in A-Frame, you would give this a position in world coordinates. However, AR.js, and specifically the gps-new-entity-place component, allows us to position it using latitude and longitude. We can position any A-Frame entity at a given latitude and longitude using gps-projected-entity-place.

Things to try

  • Change the a-box to some other kind of A-Frame primitive, such as an a-sphere or a-cylinder. Does it still work?

  • Try adding multiple objects with different colours at different locations.

  • Try adding a text primitive at a nearby latitude and longitude. You will need to use the A-Frame look-at component to ensure the text always faces the camera.

  • Try giving your objects an elevation. This can be done by setting the y coordinate of the position property of each object to a given height (in metres) and setting the x and z coordinates to 0.

  • Having done that, try giving the camera an elevation by similarly setting its position property, and look at the effect this has on where the objects appear.

Introducing JavaScript with AR.js

Much of the power of A-Frame, and AR.js, comes from adding scripting to your basic applications. It is assumed that you already know the basics of how to create components in A-Frame. We will start with a very basic example, which simply retrieves your current GPS location and adds a red box immediately to the north. Create this JavaScript, basic.js, and link it to the HTML example shown above. (Remove the hard-coded red box from the HTML first).

window.onload = () => {
    let testEntityAdded = false;

    const el = document.querySelector("[gps-new-camera]");

    el.addEventListener("gps-camera-update-position", e => {
        if(!testEntityAdded) {
            alert(`Got first GPS position: lon ${e.detail.position.longitude} lat ${e.detail.position.latitude}`);
            // Add a box to the north of the initial GPS position
            const entity = document.createElement("a-box");
            entity.setAttribute("scale", {
                x: 20, 
                y: 20,
                z: 20
            entity.setAttribute('material', { color: 'red' } );
            entity.setAttribute('gps-new-entity-place', {
                latitude: e.detail.position.latitude + 0.001,
                longitude: e.detail.position.longitude
        testEntityAdded = true;

How is this working?

  • we set up an onload function to run when the page loads. With A-Frame, we can only use entities once they have been loaded into the DOM, so we must delay the execution of the code until the page loads.
  • Using the normal DOM API, we use document.querySelector() to obtain the entity with the gps-new-camera component attached to it (which will be your <a-camera>)
  • we then handle the gps-camera-update-position event. This event is emitted by the camera entity when we receive a new GPS location. This allows us to write code which runs every time we get a new GPS position, such as downloading new POI data from a server. We can retrieve the new location via the e.detail.position object, which has longitude and latitude properties.
  • In this example, we check that we have not already added our entity (via the testEntityAdded boolean), display the location to the user, and then create a new <a-box> entity dynamically, and specify its scale and colour using standard DOM/A-Frame techniques.
  • We then dynamically add a gps-new-entity-place component to the entity, with the latitude set to the GPS latitude plus 0.001 degrees (so it will appear a short distance to the north) and the longitude set to the current GPS longitude.
  • Finally we add the entity to the scene using the standard DOM appendChild() method.

Things to try

Add three more entities to the scene, close to the original GPS position

  • a yellow sphere 0.001 degrees to the east;
  • an orange cylinder 0.001 degrees to the south;
  • a magenta cone 0.001 degrees to the west.

Connecting to a web server

We will now enhance the example to download data from a web server. The server used will be the Hikar server, used by the Hikar project:,south,east,north&layers=poi&outProj=4326

This provides OpenStreetMap data for Europe and Turkey (apologies, other parts of the world are not covered due to server constraints). Note how we specify the bounding box with the bbox parameter.

window.onload = () => {
    let downloaded = false;

    const el = document.querySelector("[gps-new-camera]");

    el.addEventListener("gps-camera-update-position", async(e) => {
        if(!downloaded) {
            const west = e.detail.position.longitude - 0.01,
                  east = e.detail.position.longitude + 0.01,
                  south = e.detail.position.latitude - 0.01;
                  north = e.detail.position.latitude + 0.01;
            const response = await fetch(`${west},${south},${east},${north}&layers=poi&outProj=4326`);
            const pois = await response.json();
            pois.features.forEach ( feature => {
                const entity = document.createElement("a-box");
                entity.setAttribute("scale", {
                    x: 20, 
                    y: 20,
                    z: 20
                entity.setAttribute('material', { color: 'red' } );
                entity.setAttribute('gps-new-entity-place', {
                    latitude: feature.geometry.coordinates[1],
                    longitude: feature.geometry.coordinates[0]
        downloaded = true;

Much of the logic is similar to the previous example, but note that we now send a request to the web server via the fetch API, sending a bounding box surrounding the current position. The server sends back GeoJSON. GeoJSON contains a features array containing each point of interest, and each feature includes a geometry object containing the latitude and longitude witthin a two-member coordinates array. So we loop through each feature, dynamically create an entity (as in the previous example) from the current feature, use the latitude and longitude from the GeoJSON to create the gps-new-entity-place component, and add it to the scene.

Things to try

Try requesting the Hikar URL directly in your browser, supplying a bounding box representing an area you are familiar with, and explore the format used for points of interest of different types. Each GeoJSON feature object has a properties object containing properties describing the point of interest. The amenity property is commonly used: this describes the type of amenity (such as restaurant, cafe, pub, etc).

Try colouring the boxes differently depending on point of interest type (e.g. restaurants, cafes, pubs, etc).

Adding text labels

The next example shows how you can add text labels to your POIs.

window.onload = () => {
    let downloaded = false;

    const el = document.querySelector("[gps-new-camera]");

    el.addEventListener("gps-camera-update-position", async(e) => {
        if(!downloaded) {
            const west = e.detail.position.longitude - 0.05,
                  east = e.detail.position.longitude + 0.05,
                  south = e.detail.position.latitude - 0.05;
                  north = e.detail.position.latitude + 0.05;
            console.log(`${west} ${south} ${east} ${north}`);
            const response = await fetch(`${west},${south},${east},${north}&layers=poi&outProj=4326`);
            const pois = await response.json();
            pois.features.forEach ( feature => {
                const compoundEntity = document.createElement("a-entity");
                compoundEntity.setAttribute('gps-new-entity-place', {
                    latitude: feature.geometry.coordinates[1],
                    longitude: feature.geometry.coordinates[0]
                const box = document.createElement("a-box");
                box.setAttribute("scale", {
                    x: 20,
                    y: 20,
                    z: 20
                box.setAttribute('material', { color: 'red' } );
                box.setAttribute("position", {
                    x : 0,
                    y : 20,
                    z: 0
                } );
                const text = document.createElement("a-text");
                const textScale = 100;
                text.setAttribute("look-at", "[gps-new-camera]");
                text.setAttribute("scale", {
                    x: textScale,
                    y: textScale,
                    z: textScale
                text.setAttribute("align", "center");
        downloaded = true;

How is this working?

  • We now create a compound entity. In A-Frame, a compound entity is an entity which has other entities as children. Here, we will create a compound entity, position it at the POI's latitude and longitude, and add the box, and a new text entity containing the POI name, to it.
  • We create the box as before, and set its y coordinate to 20. This is relative to its parent, i.e. the compound entity. The compound entity is already positioned at the correct latitude and longitude, so we will position the box 20 metres above that position.
  • We then create a text entity, scale it appropriately, and set its value attribute to the name of the feature from the GeoJSON. Note the use of the look-at component. This makes a given A-Frame entity look at another. Here we want the text to look at the camera (i.e. the entity with a gps-new-camera property), so we always see it. The look-at component is a third-party component and must be added to your HTML as follows:
<script src=""></script>
  • We then append the box and text to the compound entity, and append our compound entity to the scene.

Things to try

  • Try filtering out POIs with no name, so that only those with a name are displayed. Those without a name should not be displayed, not even as a box.
  • Try implementing logic to re-download POIs if the user moves 0.05 degrees of either latitude or longitude from the previous download position.
  • Each POI in the GeoJSON includes an osm_id property which is a unique OpenStreetMap ID for that POI. Using the osm_id, implement logic so that a POI is not re-added to the scene if it is already present. (This may happen if you move 0.05 degrees but return to an area you have already visited).